Catalyst Proposals
- Projects
- Fund 8 Proposals
Wada Affiliated Proposals
Fund 9 Active Campaigns
Wada Global
Wada Global
What core Nation Building Dapp solutions can be provided for widespread users acquired in the developing world?
Without accessible DAO tools on Cardano, Wada’s education, outreach and onboarding success in Africa has been a manual process. Lack of scalable organizing tools, limits quality, growth and inclusion. Read more
A lack of integration between dApps and products means that projects are often working in silos.
These projects miss out on the benefit of shared user bases and seamless user experiences. Read more
Most impact orgs like Wada struggle financially due to improper value capture as an investment vehicle. This leads to unrealized benefits of impact ventures and monetary loss for potential investors. Read more
Wada hubs are off to a great start, but are not yet able to fully self sustain themselves. The next level of support is needed to continue their 3 year path to financial independence. Read more
Africa exists at the heart of Cardano's global adoption strategy, yet there is lack of visibility of the African success stories to come out of Catalyst since its inception. Read more
A growing number of Catalyst projects require support, but may not have the funding or requirements for a full-time hire.+ There is a pool of talent that is currently. Read more underserved and underutilized.
Wada Hub Ghana
How do we encourage Local Community Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano in 2022?
Cardano/Catalyst related materials are not localized in the African context, also access are not readily available to majority. The teaming unemployed youth continue to add to social vices. Read more
How can we motivate young students in the North East region of Ghana to get educated in the present and coming technologies? Read more
Wada Hub DITC Cameroon
What applications will provide the most value for end users in 2022?
In Africa, access to books and ebooks is severely limited. Numerous factors are at play against mass adoption of a reading culture which negatively affect all involved parties (authors, readers, etc). Read more
Build an NFArt marketplace where artwork can be monetized and a portion of the proceeds will go towards organisations fighting to return stolen artifacts, but ultimately towards building local museums. Read more
The notion of Identity is deeply ingrained in the initiatory journey of ancestral Africa communities. No solutions out there come close to incorporating the African perspective on this notion. Read more
Cardano is missing a great opportunity to gain exposure at a high profile developers and entrepreneurs event happening in Cameroon every two years and involving 700+ enterprises from all sectors. Read more
Ada adoption in Cameroon is significantly hindered by the fact that there is no exchange currently supporting easy transfer to local currency or mobile money except for scamming ones. Read more
The determination of the solvency of customers for obtaining bank credit does not yet take into consideration the various operations (transactions of all kinds) carried out on blockchains. Read more
Women are the designers & implementers of local community-run DeFi solutions in the African context. There is a need to provide them with tools to translate all that knowledge onto the Blockchain. Read more
Most tokens use production and distribution models based on the scarcity paradigm typical of the Western context. Deep ancestral Africa has an alternative! Read more
Medical record data management in Cameroon is broken, centralized, and exploitative. It is often paper based making it subject to damages, hardly distributable and restrained access. Read more
Trucks in Cameroon are most often loaded for only one leg of their round trip journey. They exist no platform to connect them to potential customers. This is economically inefficient. Read more
Plutus uses advanced notions of Haskell which added to the lack of material in French, makes it really difficult for the French Dev community to join the Cardano ecosystem hence learn Haskell-Plutus. Read more
Wada Hub DRC
How might we create connections and collaboration between Cardano and other blockchains in the next six months?
Remittance fees averaging from 8.2% to 15% of the transfer amount is charged for transfers to Sub-Saharan Africa. Crypto adoption is also impacted as on-off ramps to fiat require some money transfer. Read more
Wada Hub South Africa
How might we create connections and collaboration between Cardano and other blockchains in the next six months?
The evolution of the Cardano ecosystem and the project catalyst in the African region is moderate but is barely adopted in South Africa. Thus, it requires boosting. Read more
Wada Member Initiative
How might we create connections and collaboration between Cardano and other blockchains in the next six months?
he Cardano ecosystem and Project Catalyst are gradually evolving in Africa. However, the adoption rate in the African tertiary sector is very minimal and thus needs to be uplifted, but how? Read more
Many Business and Engineering students got brilliant ideas to impact their society but there is no funding opportunities for these students, therefore Project Catalyst would be ideal. Read more
The mainstream media provide content and report on bad news in crypto ecosystems. How do we tell our story and present the amazing real-world impact made in the Cardano ecosystem? Read more
One major problem in the blockchain ecosystem is that the females are being left behind in these innovation steps. How do we build female competence to participate in the Cardano ecosystem? Read more
There is a no reliable open fundraising platform for student entrepreneurs nor a business incubator for students to access free resources so they can successfully start and grow their businesses. Read more
Informal Businesses (Biz) dominate Africa's economy, yet are financially excluded, how do we provide identity & financial inclusiveness for informal biz (SMEs) in Africa? Read more
New technology is usually targeted at the youth. Seniors are left out although they have the brainpower and free time to ideate and develop projects to improve the communities they live in.. Read more
The Cardano mission continues as initiatives in Africa to gain momentum, however, policy makers and market shareholders have not yet identify the potentials of Cardano Blockchain Technology. Read more
Most of the productive youth in Ghana are not aware of blockchain technology and its opportunities. Cardano project catalyst education can bring adoption and scale up through their wild ideas. Read more
Education is key to adoption and use of a service. How can we educate students in Northern Ghana and beyond about Cardano Ecosystem and its benefits? Read more
Lack of access to financial credit is deepening the woes of informal businesses in Africa due to a lack of collateral. How can we provide credit to businesses in the informal sector? Read more
Most Colleges in Ghana neither teach the ideas of entrepreneurship nor does it provide students with the skills and opportunities they need to effectively gain financial and economic freedom. Read more
Create dRep and increase awareness for delegated voting among voters in Africa as well as increasing voter participation and reward. Read more
Limited education and propagation of the blockchain industry as a long-term investment option amongst the youth in Ghana. Read more
Fund 10 Challenge Category
How do we create a space for ideas and projects that do not fit any of the other current Challenges?
How can NPOs/NGOs optimize Cardano for project management, reporting, M&E and income generation for project implementation to transform more lives? NPOs /NGOs are the drivers of development in Africa. Read more
We need to look at the fundamentals that are preventing Africa from being a Cardano adoption leader, rather than a perpetual follower. Read more
How do we accelerate progress on transformative education + education for sustainable development, and equitably enable and empower individuals globally to access opportunities to thrive and flourish? Read more
How do we on-board the unbanked without offering financial services?How much would it take to incorporate and expand a crypto-first financial institution in Africa?How can DAOs raise this capital? Read more
Community hubs in Africa are often seen as charitable causes as the value they deliver can be hard to quantify, and they may lack expertise in delivering focused commercial growth. Read more
What are the potential issues in the Agri-food industry that could be addressed using the Cardano blockchain technology? Read more